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Cracking the Code

Decarbonizing the Built Environment
When: September 25, 2024 | 1:00 - 5:00 PM ET
Buildings contribute to nearly 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions, highlighting the crucial opportunity they represent in reaching net-zero emissions. However, according to Forrester, fewer than 20% of companies are currently on course to achieve net-zero by 2050. To tackle this challenge, it’s imperative that organizations embrace an integrated strategy encompassing data analysis, energy efficiency, financial planning, reduction of embodied carbon and the adoption of clean energy sources. 

Global sustainability leaders from Johnson Controls, KPMG, Microsoft and Prologis are teaming up with other leading industry professionals for an informative tutorial to help you understand the opportunities and solutions that can deliver an impact, now. Whether you have one facility or a global network of buildings, you will leave with some ideas and immediate steps you can take to achieve net zero buildings.  

Registration for this event is now closed.

Meet the sustainability experts
Katie McGinty
VP & Chief sustainability & External Relations Officer
Johnson Controls
John Hoekstra
Senior Vice President, Global Sustainability
Melanie Nakagawa
Chief Sustainability Officer
Maura Hodge
Sustainability Reporting and Assurance Leader
4 core decarbonization topics
This informative and collaborative session includes panel discussions, followed by networking opportunities with peers as well as industry experts and sustainability leaders, focusing on these four decarbonization topics.
Data & AI: Transforming Buildings to Accelerate the Climate Action
Building a strong foundation of reliable sustainability data is key to driving effective climate strategies through data-driven insights, as well as establishing consistent reporting. The evolution of AI has presented a multitude of opportunities to supercharge existing sustainability data, uncover those insights faster, and accelerate both climate strategies and energy savings.  
Energy Transition: The Critical Role of Smart Buildings
As buildings and cities evolve, modern infrastructure in smart buildings plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency through integrated and advanced energy solutions. Hear about decarbonization through efficiency, electrification and digitalization including the latest work on GIO and the evolving offerings from energy suppliers. 
Embodied Carbon: The Path to Net Zero Buildings
Achieving Net Zero Buildings typically focuses on operational energy consumption. However, reducing embodied carbon in construction and retrofit materials is essential to truly reach net zero. How can you track and reduce embodied carbon in your buildings? What technologies and sourcing options are available today and in the future?  
Decarbonizing Real Estate: Managing Facilities for a Sustainable Future
Landlords and building owners play a pivotal role in decarbonizing the built environment. How can split incentives and standardized practices across 3PL, facility management, and building ownership advance decarbonization of operations and transportation. A systems approach to real estate and facilities management drives meaningful progress in reducing emissions and achieving sustainability goals. 
Rooftop Reception sponsored by
Once the program concludes, join us for an invite-only rooftop reception for a unique opportunity to connect with industry leaders and gain actionable insights on advancing your environmental goals. Sponsored by Business Roundtable. 
Where: Rooftop of 11 Times Square  |  When: 4 p.m. (EST)
Unleash Your Smart Buildings Strategy With The Power of Facilities Data
New landmark global study of 3,445 smart building leaders conducted by Forrester Consulting – the largest report of its kind for smart, healthy, and sustainable buildings. With insights from over 3,400 senior smart building decision makers globally; discover the latest trends, best practices, and recommendations for navigating the path to net zero for your business. 
1/3 of organizations call out the need to accelerate to reach their 2030 carbon reduction goals
Just 10% of sustainability
leaders say their buildings
systems and equipment are fully integrated
73% Lack the technical
expertise to optimize building systems from insights collected
67% Need help maintaining resilient sustainability strategies in the event of budget impacts
40% of surveyed building
leaders lack internal skills to measure their environmental impact
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